Ultra fractal programming language
Ultra fractal programming language

ultra fractal programming language

Early on I didn’t even have the ability to save my programs, so I learned how to quickly rewrite certain programs, like simple games or simulations. Of course, there was no internet to use for quick reference on nearly any topic like we have now all I had was a few technical magazines and books, like Byte. The way I learned coding is a bit different than how children do nowadays: rather than using visual tools like Scratch and easy-to-understand tutorials, I had little more than a monochrome screen and a bunch of awkward-looking characters. At a young age I was fortunate to have access to computers and learn how to program, which eventually led to a career in IT. I’ve seen some interesting Ted Talk videos, but ultimately I think sometimes the dramatic way of speaking and presenting can cause form to overtake function, whereas in an article like this the content can be understood in a more unbiased way (not to mention that it is easier to get into more complex topics without worrying about the listener getting lost).īut enough of the preamble. Also, while I do have a YouTube channel with a handful of videos, this blog has many more followers and hits.

ultra fractal programming language

One of the reasons was my allergies make it difficult to produce a high-quality recording. But I ended up abandoning the audio format and decided to just write a regular blog article instead. Today I want to post about some ideas I’ve had running around in my head for at least a year I actually had originally planned to make a “Ted Talk” style podcast or YouTube video about it, and had gotten as far as recording a couple of attempts.

Ultra fractal programming language